
La Mirada Garage Band Rockers From the 70’s Still Making Noise; Musician From La Mirada Opens For His Favorite Band

Profile of one of the Many Musicians from the La Mirada Garage Bands of the 1970's
La Mirada~The culture shock and tumulus times of the 1960's and 70's in our Nation, brought with it the rise and influence of rock and roll music in our society. Back then, garage bands were seemingly everywhere in La Mirada. Many of these performers, once kids growing up in La Mirada, now perform today as adults, mostly for the love of it. This is the story of one of those people:
When someone fulfills one of their lifelong dreams, it can't help but a put a smile on your face.
That's exactly what musician Don Brennan did this past February 24th, when he opened for his all-time favorite band America at The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano.
"It was a dream come true, a huge thrill," said Brennan, in a recent phone interview with the La Mirada Blog.
Don Brennan was born and raised in La Mirada with his siblings Billy, Tom, Don, Edward and Jane. His parents, watched the progress of their home being built on Rio Blanco Drive in 1955, and they still live there today.
Brennan reflected on being raised in La Mirada, "As a kid, I didn't know any different at the time, but looking back, growing up in La Mirada was just great. Back then it was a new suburban community, but still had rural areas and wide-open spaces. It was the perfect balance of family homes, parks, family run businesses, and open fields to play in."
"The La Mirada Mall was great and is where I met my wife of almost 29 years now. I have so many good memories of La Mirada, like going on Saturdays to see the latest beach movie at the "Walk-In" as we called the theater back then. Also, we loved riding bikes to the La Mirada Bowling Alley, passing the construction site and anxiously awaiting for that new Love's Restaurant to open, the smell of the "Karmel Korn", watching Marlo Thomas light The Angel Tree, Engineer Bill at the Market Basket, and playing in Regional Park before it was a park," he recalls.
He attended St. Paul of the Cross Catholic School for first through eighth grades, and, in 1970 attended Neff High School, graduating in 1974, "Going to Neff from St. Paul was definitely a culture shock," he said.
He was saddened when Neff was shuttered in 1981 and ultimately demolished, "I rode my moped over and grabbed a brick of what was the left of the administration office. I still have it around here somewhere," he said from his home.
Today, Don lives in Chino with his wife Pam-they met at the old Woolco department store in La Mirada.

St. Paul of the Cross to Raffle a Honda “Fit”

La Mirada~On March 24 and 25, St. Paul of the Cross Parish will initiate its ‘Win a Car Campaign” to benefit the needs of the Church and School.
For over 50 years the St. Paul of the Cross school and church have served the spiritual needs of the Catholic residents from La Mirada and, according to the parish advisory boards, the Church and School are seeking the support of its community members and friends to continue to fulfill its mission.
Following each mass on Saturday and Sunday, March 24 and 25, the Honda “FIT” car will be displayed. Opportunity tickets will be $20 each and, for this weekend only, purchase 5 and get one free!
Tickets will be available from the parish center and school and following all weekend masses with the drawing to be held on October 14, 2012 at the annual Parish Fiesta.
Call (562) 921-2914 or visit for more information.

Giant Rock’s Path Will Take it Through La Mirada

Mammoth Marvel Will "Park" in La Mirada Monday March 5th
La Mirada~The Great Granite is coming to La Mirada!
The 340-ton granite megalith that will form part of Michael Heizer’s Levitated Mass exhibit at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) is scheduled to arrive in La Mirada in the early morning hours tonight after traveling through the Whittier Hills, down Colima Road during the night.
It will be “parked” at La Mirada Blvd and Leffingwell Road all day Monday, March 5th.
Then, late Monday night and early Tuesday morning, the Great Granite will continue its trek, continuing westbound on Leffingwell Road, turning left and traveling southbound on Valley View Avenue, then making a right at Rosecrans Avenue. It will travel westbound on Rosecrans, turn southbound on Carmenita Road in Norwalk, then on to its next “parking spot” in Cerritos.
You can follow the Bodacious Boulder's every move and get some great viewing tips by utilizing the excellent “Gawker's Guide” from the LACMA, which provides continuous updates.
After months of delays, the mammoth marvel left its quarry in Riverside County on February 28th and will make its way across four counties, 22 cities and 110 miles of surface streets to its home at LACMA. The journey for the rock will take a total of eleven nights, traveling about 8 miles per hour and only during the hours of 11:00pm and 5:00am.
The Rock will also be tweeting while it moves across the area, providing you with traffic updates and looking for things to do while it is not in transit during the day!
You can follow on Twitter @LACMARock to interact with the megalith or simply use the hashtag #LevitatedMass.

All New Teen Battle of the Bands Schedued for This Years La Mirada Carnival
La Mirada~In what has become the premier event in La Mirada to showcase local music talent, the 4 La Mirada Kids Carnival, reaches for a new and exciting level this year.
The 18th edition of the fair will feature an all-new Teen Battle of the Bands, hosted by the La Mirada Community Foundation and the La Mirada Youth Council. Bands will compete for a $500 first-place prize.
The event will take place Saturday and Sunday, April 20th and 21st, the first two days of the carnival, on the grounds of Benton Middle School in La Mirada.
Junior High School and High School age bands are eligible to compete. To participate, bands must have a minimum of three members (two must play instrument through majority of performance), and all members must be ages 13-18.
Judging will be calculated using three methods, each counting for 33.3% of the possible vote: a panel of judges on site will use a point system; attendees to the carnival will vote by ballot at the event; and on-line voting will take place on the La Mirada Blog website.
Interested bands must fill out an entry form and submit it to the La Mirada Community Foundation before 5:00 p.m., Thursday, March 15, 2012.
For entry forms, a complete list of rules and regulations, or more information call (562) 943-7277.
The three-day carnival was created in 1994 as a way for community/youth groups in La Mirada to raise funds annually, and is attended by thousands. There will be rides, locally prepared food, and entertainment-including school performances.

La Mirada Ebell Presents Spring Fashion Show
No Tickets Will Be Sold at Door, Pre-Sale Only; Club Helps La Mirada High Grads
La Mirada~The La Mirada Ebell Club will host a Spring Fashion Show at the La Mirada Country Club, Saturday, April 14th from 12-4 p.m.
Ebell members and friends will model the latest in prom, graduation and summer clothing. For more information please call Susan at (562) 943-0957, or any Ebell member, to arrange for a table or individual tickets.
Monies raised by this and other Ebell activities provide scholarships for high school seniors wanting to further their educations. "Last year, the Club was able to award $1,000.00 checks to four La Mirada High School graduates," said club president Cheri Collin.
Gina Kelly and Susan Gonzales are co-chairs of the show, and it will be coordinated by Simply Susie's Boutique of Whittier.
La Mirada Ebell Club meets at 7 p.m. the second Wednesday of each month (except July and August) in the La Mirada City Hall Complex. The Club was formed in the mid 1950's and women of all ages who are interested in community service are invited to attend any session to see how the club functions. For further info, contact Lorrie Larson at (714) 521-256.
Photo: Gina Kelly is runway ready for the show

La Mirada Kiwanis Offering Scholarship Money for Area High School Seniors
La Mirada~Scholarships of are now available for area high school seniors students who are interested in continuing their education after high school.
For over 30 years, The Kiwanis Club of La Mirada has offered the scholarships; open to all current high school seniors. Scholarship amounts will be awarded in the amounts of $500 and $1000, totally at least $10,000.
To qualify, students must reside in La Mirada, but can be attending ANY high school. Applications are now available from school counselors at the following high schools: La Mirada, John Glenn, El Camino, Whittier Christian, and La Serna.
Students must return completed application packets by April 13th, 2012.
The La Mirada Kiwanis Board will conduct personal interviews with all the candidates on Saturday, May 5th, 2012.
La Mirada Kiwanis Scholarship Chairperson Lou Piltz says the applicants will be judged on “merit, grades, school activity; along with community involvement and accomplishments, and their financial situation.” Piltz added, “We wish good luck to all the applicants.”
Winners will be notified by a letter, and will be presented with their awards at either their graduation, or other school ceremony.
Interested students may get more information at their respective high school counselor office or by calling (714) 521-0996.

La Mirada Symphony Association Presents Third Concert of Season
The La Mirada Symphony Association invites you to attend the third concert of the "New Horizons" (2011-2012 concert) concert Season on Saturday, February 18, 2012 at 8 pm. (Free concert) All concerts are free and are held at the La Mirada Theatre for Performing Arts, 14900 La Mirada Blvd, La Mirada 90638
Musically travel with us to the dramatic landscape of Russia, with its vibrant people and rich traditions in "The Russians are Coming!" Musical selections will include
Festival Overture, Op. 96, Stravinsky-Suite from the Firebird (1919), Tchaikovsky-Variations on a Rococo Theme, OP 33-featuring acclaimed cellist Kihae Kim DeFazio, and 1812 Overture, OP 49, Tchaikovsky.
Kihae Kim-DeFazio began her musical education at the age of four on piano. She began playing cello when she was eight years old. . She has been awarded Korea's highest prize for musical performance, the coveted Nan-Pa award. Since Ms. Kim's arrival to the United States, she has studied with some of the world's greatest cellist; Janos Starker, Gregor Piatigorsky, and Gabor Rejto. Since the completion of her studies, Ms. Kim has appeared as soloist in a variety of venues including the Hollywood Bowl, the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, the Wilshire Ebell Theatre, the Herbert Zipper Concert Hall, the Crystal Cathedral, the Cerritos Performing Arts Center and the Richard M. Nixon Birthplace and Library. Her audiences have encompassed school children, churches, concertgoers, and the Emperor and Empress of Japan.
Ms. Kim has more than 30 years of teaching experience and has served as a jury member for a variety of competitions and auditions. She is a coach for a variety of orchestras including the Southern California Youth Philharmonic and is a member of the Musical Arts Club, the SYMF, and the Music Teachers Association of California (MTAC).
Join us Saturday, February 18, 2012 at 8 pm. (Free concert) All concerts are free and are held at the La Mirada Theatre for Performing Arts, 14900 La Mirada Blvd, La Mirada 90638
Your generous donations at the door will ensure a successful, ADMISSION FREE concert season.
Visit our website at

Adopt a Duck at Fifth Annual La Mirada Kiwanis Race
This Saturday After Easter Egg Hunt! Still Plenty of Time to Adopt a Duck for Big Race!
La Mirada~On Saturday, April 7th, the La Mirada Kiwanis will drop nearly 10,000 rubber ducks in the water at Splash! Regional Aquatics Center in La Mirada, while thousands of people watch the race to the finish line in hopes their duck will be the winner!
This is the Fifth Annual GOING QUAKERS FOR KIDS duck race fundraiser that helps support the La Mirada Kiwanis, many community projects, as well as other non-profit organizations that can help sell duck adoptions.
Ducks can be adopted at $5 each and $4500 ($2500 for first-place) in prize money will be distributed to the winning duck adopters. The duck buddies, (the non-profit organizations that sell the adoptions), will be able to keep 50% of their sales!
La Mirada Kiwanis is currently looking for community sponsors and selling groups for the duck race. This event is a great opportunity for local businesses to get exposure to the many people who will come out to the race.
All sponsors (starting as low as $250.00) can bring out a table, pop-up tent, and information to meet and greet with the community.
If you are interested in being a sponsor, a selling group or want to adopt a duck in the race please contact La Mirada Kiwanis at

Spaghetti Dinner and Show Goes Off Without a Hitch
La Mirada~The 32nd Annual Meals-on-Wheels Spaghetti Dinner was held Friday, January 27th at the La Mirada Activity Center.
The event, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of La Mirada, serves as a major fundraiser for the La Mirada Chapter of Meals-on-Wheels (MOW).
La Mirada Kiwanis reported that over 240 meals were served and over 350 were in attendance at the social/fundraiser.
As a guitarist played in the background, and a magician roamed the dining room, attendees feasted on some fabulous fare donated by Bon Appétit contracted food server at Biola University.
"The City of La Mirada has been very generous to us over the years, and we hope that remains the same. But, you never know, with this economy that could change. So, this event is very important to us," said Executive Director Lou Piltz, who is also a former La Mirada City Councilman.
The city provides an annual subsidy, currently around $8000, evaluated yearly. The city also in recent years has provided the venue for the event, hosted in previous years at La Mirada High School.
La Mirada MOW, since its inception, has served over 400,000 meals to shut-ins, and provides food and comfort along with support and encouragement for those unable to provide for themselves, in the La Mirada community.
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